Thursday, April 30, 2009


After several time i'm searching for more information about Herbalife, i found new website about Herbalife that show how Herbalife have grown and expend their business through out the world. They have the HFF foundation where they organising event or gathering in order to collect donation to feed hungry and orphanage children. Other than that they are helping them to have better budget to feed the children withz healthier food and also giving them kitchen facilities. children need to have enought nutrient to grow and to have healty life. Furthermore, most of people now can see and watch what is going on in another country. they can watch earthquake, tsunami, wars and other where little children are left alone, without family and no one to take care of them. Herbalife are taking this opportunity to help all this poor children.

In my opinion Herbalife have set a good example to other organisation as an eye opener to see what they can do to help all the unfortunate people and children around the world.

Monday, April 13, 2009


OK some of you might think Herbal Life is only MLM, but i think it is not. Why i say this is because, they are selling a very good product. u 'DON'T HAVE TO' be the member to used them. It is a health product. Same like me, I'm not even a member. i just used the product. If u say it is the same as other MLM product, think back. It just the same as you go to clinic or buy other slimming product at pharmacies. It is your choice, they are concerning about your health rather than business. we can see that from the website it self, they talk more about the product. But still there is a business opportunity that u can grab to add in as your income. Don't like it, then... don't join it. Simple right??

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Herbalife is my favorite because it have the money back guaranty. for example if you use the weight management program and u not losing any pound or inches at all, u can let them know and u can get back your money. what else to be the problem? u not gonna lose anything right, maybe just your weight or your money back.Isn't it cool? if you don't believe me, check out the link below

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Targeted Nutrition

Hey, you guys ever known that Herbalife also have special supplement that are specifically created to suite certain need. Some people have problem or maybe just want to improve their health to a better level whereby it can be focus on your gender, your age and others. Moreover, in this era, people easily get stress out, hyper tension, and all. This is an opportunity for people to enjoy life better. Here are some of the example:
  • Heart Health
  • Woman's Solutions
  • Men's Solutions
  • Children Health
  • Healthy Aging
  • Digestive Health
  • Immune Solutions
  • Stress Management
Sound interesting isn't? maybe we could try some!!!